Dr. Ada Marcelina Ogbu
Dr. Ada Marcelina Ogbu is from Ebonyi State, Nigeria. She obtained her Masters in Public Health Planning, Policy and Administration; and a doctorate degree in public health from the University of California, Berkeley.
Dr. Ogbu brings a wealth of experience to her position in CISA, including more than 30 years of service in San Francisco Department of Public Health from 1985 until her retirement as Deputy Director of the San Francisco Health Network in 2017. As Deputy Director, she was responsible for providing operational leadership, vision and management of a two billion dollar publicly funded safety net/ health care delivery system (with over 6,000 employees) that included two hospitals, 16 primary care clinics, 14 behavioral health clinics, jail health, maternal, child and adolescent health services, HIV services, homeless health care services, housing, and behavioral health care services.
As a seasoned public health care professional, she developed and implemented many innovative programs in primary and behavioral health aimed at improving health care services to vulnerable populations. Dr. Ogbu has also taught both graduate and undergraduate courses at San Francisco State University and City College of San Francisco where, among other things, she developed health education certificate and degree programs at both universities. She has also served on numerous boards and is currently managing a nonprofit program that provides micro-finance to women in Onicha Local Government in Ebonyi State.