Sidney Davis

Sidney Davis a.k.a. Eluomuno
Sidney Davis was born and raised in New England, USA. He discovered his Igbo roots through DNA testing, went to Igboland for the first time in 2012 and subsequently was given the Igbo name “Eluemonu” (I have returned home to the land of my ancestors). He was among African Americans formally welcomed into the Igbo community at the 2014 Reconnection Ceremony during the First Igbo World Festival of Arts & Culture.
Sidney has since gone on to establish businesses in Nigeria. Best of all, he has been making time to discover and connect with his Igbo relatives in Nigeria. In appreciation for his efforts, Sidney has been honored with chieftaincy titles including Prince Eluemuno Eri of Iduu Eri Kingdom, Aguleri, Anambra State.